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  • #1354

    If you are unfamiliar with them, Old Friends is a fantastic non-profit. If you are in the area and able to make it out for the auction, or have some memorabilia to donate I suggest you check it out!

    “Furey’s Secondhand Superstore in Ganesvoort, NY is having an amazing auction of Saratoga and Horse Related Memorabilia on August 13th at 3PM.  The auction will be held at their store. They are also accepting donations of these types of items for the auction. ”

    Alex Hassinger

    Old Freinds is a great organization run by some very caring people. I went for visit this last winter and I was very excited to see an “old friend” named Dinard. The horses are so well cared for and they get a lot of visitors, which I think they like!!

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